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Pest Guide

Rice Weevil (Sitophilus oryzae)

Origin and Habitat:

The Rice Weevil is a common stored-product pest and is found worldwide. Originating from Southeast Asia, it has spread globally due to international trade. This weevil infests stored grains, particularly rice, but also wheat, barley, and other cereal products.

Breeding and Reproduction:

Rice Weevils undergo a complete metamorphosis, consisting of egg, larva, pupa, and adult stages. Female weevils lay eggs inside grains, boring a tiny hole to deposit a single egg. The larvae develop within the grain, consuming its contents. Once fully developed, the adult weevils chew their way out, leaving characteristic emergence holes.

Feeding Habits:

Both larvae and adults of the Rice Weevil feed on the internal parts of grains. Their feeding activities can lead to the degradation of stored grains, reducing quality and market value.

Hiding and Living in Stored Products:

Rice Weevils primarily infest stored grains, where they find shelter and sustenance. They are highly adaptable and can thrive in various environmental conditions, making them challenging to control.

Damages to Stored Products:

Infestations of Rice Weevils can result in significant damage to stored grains. Besides feeding on the grains, the presence of weevils can lead to contamination, foul odors, and a decrease in nutritional quality.

Control Recommendations:

Product Inspection: Regularly inspect stored grains for the presence of live weevils, larvae, emergence holes, and damaged grains.

Temperature Control: Implement temperature control measures in storage facilities, as Rice Weevils prefer warmer conditions.

Proper Sealing: Ensure storage containers are tightly sealed to prevent infestation. Repair any damaged containers or gaps that may serve as entry points for the weevils.


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